Good sleep is the foundation for health and well-being
Significant research confirms the relationship between the quality of sleep and breathing. Sleep disordered breathing is increasingly prevalent, and symptoms of this condition include:
Unexplained excessive sleepiness, tiredness or fatigue
Unrefreshing sleep
Snoring or heavy breathing
Disrupted sleep or nightmares
Dry mouth in the morning
Pauses in breathing whilst sleeping (apnoea) or irregular breathing
Choking during sleep
Wheezing, coughing, headaches or nasal congestion on waking
Night-time asthma symptoms
Waking from sleep to pass urine
Memory impairment (brain fog)

'You kindly sent a podcast, information, and recommended a book. This information knocked my socks off! In a matter of days, you have changed my life for good. I have been a lifelong mouth breather. When I left your surgery, I was determined to change to nasal. I always go to the loo three times each night and I have a disturbed night as a result. Since changing to nasal I haven’t been to the loo at night and slept right through until morning. When I go walking I have to plan ahead for a loo en-route. Mouth shut – I don’t need a loo! I have panicked a few times but remembered your advice on carbon dioxide and chemoreceptors and battled on – brilliant! My sense of smell is returning after years of not being able to smell.
Thank you so very, very much'