About Me
Dr Louise Oliver
GP, Functional Breathing Practitioner & Therapeutic Life Coach
I qualified as a doctor in 1998 and have worked as a GP in the NHS since 2003. Throughout that time I have had an interest in Women's Health including providing intrauterine device and contraceptive implant procedures. I am married with two children and enjoy living in the beautiful countryside of Holmfirth. With over 20 years' experience of working in the NHS I have developed skills to help people throughout their lives.
My own mindfulness journey started when I was exploring ways of improving psychological distress and chronic pain in my patients without medication. I discovered the increasing body of evidence behind mindfulness and breathing techniques. I started to see health and well-being as a jigsaw puzzle of many pieces. Slowly over time I have explored one piece at a time aiming to develop the jigsaw piece with conscientiousness, curiosity, gratitude, kindness and patience then incorporating that piece into my daily life. I encourage my patients and clients to explore their health and well-being jigsaw puzzle.
My most important and surprising jigsaw piece was exploring 'how we breathe matters.' I now recognise I probably stopped breathing efficiently when I started holding my tummy in to appear flatter around the age of 10 years. The stress of training to become a doctor and talking frequently once qualified worsened my breathing efficiency. However I didn't realise until my perimenopausal snoring commenced that I wasn't breathing as efficiently as nature intended. Improving my unconscious breathing pattern has significantly improved my focus, concentration, energy levels, quality of sleep, ability to exercise, appreciation for life and stress resilience. I am passionate for others to benefit from what I have learnt. Working as a Functional Breathing Practitioner & Therapeutic Life Coach I support others whilst they re-educate their body to breathe efficiently unconsciously.

MBChB Birmingham 1998,
Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners MRCGP 2003,
Buteyko Clinic International Certified Instructor,
Fusion® Therapeutic Coaching, Counselling and Training Certificate in Therapeutic Coaching Skills,
Diploma in Child Health DCH,
Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology DRCOG,
Diploma of Faculty of Family Planning DFFP,
Letter of Competence Intrauterine Techniques LoC IUT,
Letter of Competence Subdermal Contraceptive Implants Techniques Insertion & Removal LoC SDI-IR.