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Client testimonials after working with Louise individually or within a group. 

Further testimonials are at the bottom of the menopause and webinar pages.

Bird on a branch

Three months after completing the programme:

'For the most part I am palpitation free which is enormous! Thanks for doing what you do. It's so important, it's literally life changing.

Also to see my daughter off all asthma medication is beyond words!'

Six months after completing the programme:

'I enrolled on Louise's functional breathing course. I thought I knew how to breathe! I learnt the importance of nasal breathing and became aware of when I was mouth breathing. Learning to close my mouth has reawakened my sense of smell and enhanced the pleasure of walking. I learnt that I can control my nervous system with breathing to calm myself down. I use the techniques often and I sleep better as a result. Calm, measured breathing is second nature to me now.'

Walking in the woods
Looking up at a tree

Six months after completing the programme:

'I had to give latest blood pressure readings to GP's surgery recently and mine (although always in normal range) has gone down. So my work the last 6 months has definitely had an impact. Still can't quite believe the benefits to be gained from efficient nasal breathing.'


Julia Witherspoon

End of five week virtual group programme:

'My relaxation before bed improved and there seems to be less sighing and gasping while talking. My lips seem to have more redness in them.

Well organised programme and excellent support system by you Louise, answering my questions very promptly with great feedback. Recorded sessions and slides were very informative. Thank you so much Louise for the work that you do and for educating me about efficient breathing.  You are such a dedicated teacher and excellent doctor.  You have opened the door for me to continue to improve my health.  Thank you so very much.'

Bird and blossom

End of five week virtual group programme:

Country lane

'I have been suffering from infrequent but terrifying instances of sleep apnoea. I think that the course is brilliant. It really helps that Louise is a GP and she bases her lessons on scientific research. I liked the fact that Louise encouraged feedback between sessions so that she could address questions or issues anonymously in the session. 

I thought that the exercises were really helpful. It helped me to get to sleep and the recordings are really helpful for sticking to the exercise.

I think it was helpful that Louise had also experienced issues so spoke with real understanding and empathy.

It’s not eradicated the sleep apnoea but I think that’s probably because I have not stuck rigidly to the exercises and I’m not completely nose breathing yet. I’m positive that I will get there, though. I am so grateful to Louise for identifying this as an issue so that I no longer feel helpless. I know what to do and I have the tools to do it! Thank you so much Louise!

Four months after completing the programme:

‘I am 68 years old and now recognise I've been a life long mouth breather. I can now skip continuously for 8 minutes whilst nasal breathing. Two months ago I would have needed to stop frequently due to air hunger. Reduced snoring. I became aware that adequate sleep and rest is about being able to sleep AND not snoring. If you sleep all night but snore you can still feel rubbish the next day.

However I generally have better and deeper sleep more often based on less snoring - see screenshot of my snore app. Better able to go back to sleep if I do wake up and less getting up to go to the loo in the night. I'm certainly looking forward to the future now I'm sleeping and resting better however I recognise I need to continue the daily practice to maintain my progress'

Snoring app screenshot

End of five week virtual group programme:

​‘What I love is that I am no longer breathless. In my mind I had decided I was unfit even though I couldn’t understand how that had happened to me. I knew my breathing was in poor shape but I had still been looking at the issue from a fitness perspective rather than a breathing issue. My walking pace has increased to the point that I could even jog for a while with nasal breathing. And my walking uphill speed has also increased’

End of five week virtual group programme:

'I have tried many apps and read many books in an attempt to improve my sleep pattern to no avail, but this course cracked it!  I am now sleeping fully through the night which has been a life changer for me. Everyday living, work, emotions & general well-being become so much easier to manage, more positive & happier with sleep. I generally feel calmer and am more in tune with my stress levels through changes in my breathing. I have learnt so much from this course and will be forever grateful. Thank you Louise'


End of five week virtual group programme:

Image by Cristian Palmer

Thank you for a brilliant course! I loved it all. The changes are:

Warmer hands and feet,

I feel calmer (despite having had a difficult couple of weeks at home and work),

I can nose breathe during exercise, even in cold weather,

My control pause is improving,

I'm finding all of the exercises easier

Swimming stamina is improving and I'm more relaxed in the pool,

Getting out of bed is easier.

I've been recommending your programme to some of my family and patients.

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